A New Year

January 3 2013 044

Happy New Year!

Here in Rhode Island, the new year is starting off with the coldest weather we have had in quite  while: 12 degrees F this morning. We also have snow, which we didn’t have last year. The Garden looks beautiful under it’s frozen white blanket. Tiny tracks of mice, rabbits, and squirrels can be seen in the snow,  under sheltering evergreens or bravely crossing an open expanse of small-scale tundra.

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In the Conservatory, it’s warm and inviting.  Sun beaming through the glass and green leaves of every size and shape are a welcome change for folks tired of the cold.  I enjoy all the seasons but it is nicer to work in the warm Conservatory in January than it is to work outside!  Some plants are growing very slowly because of the short days, while others burst into bloom at this time of year.

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The latest newsletter from the National Garden Bureau has a short list of  New Year’s Resolutions for gardeners. I’ve always thought that ANY day could be the day I decide to change something in my life — no need to wait til January 1st! And for gardeners, perhaps the first day of spring is a good time to make a Gardening Resolution. Nevertheless, here they are:

1. I will not blame myself for gardening failures. Sometimes, Mother Nature is not our friend when it comes to gardening. Or life gets in the way. Don’t despair! Simply try again and learn from experience. Your garden, and your gardening friends, are very forgiving.

2. I will not be afraid to ask questions. How else can you learn? Take advantage of the experience of your neighbors, friends, and family. They will appreciate your interest and be flattered that you want to learn from them. And learn you will!

3. I will try something new. This is kind of a no-brainer, right?

4. I will share my passion. We’ve done and seen studies that show many of today’s gardeners got their start by learning from someone else, usually a parent or grandparent. Can you be that mentor? Will you be the reason your son or daughter serves homegrown vegetables to your grandchildren? The reason your neighbor plants window boxes for the first time?

5. I will embrace nature and garden for the birds, the bees and the butterflies (and the bats too!). One of the most enjoyable benefits of having a garden is being able to see the beautiful creatures who visit it. So plan your flowers and vegetables with that in mind then sit back and watch the wildlife you’ve encouraged.

And of course, resolve to visit the URI Botanical Gardens and Horridge Conservatory in 2013!

Do you have New Year’s Resolutions?  Or Gardening Resolutions? I’d love to hear from you!

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